Apology letter to the TBB Community.

First let me say I am sincerely sorry for what I've done. The story is Xeron banned me for "picking on a little kid", in my defense I honestly didn't know there was one in the teamspeak channel, I should have payed attention more and I'm very sorry. Also I did not unban my self from the Teamspeak, I actually got a new OS and I got on to see if my ban had been revoked and I thought it was and I was very worried that if I even said a word to Xeron I would be banned again. Apparently I know nothing about Teamspeak and when I got a new OS I got a new ID thus unbanning me. I didn't know this was my error. This is an awesome community and regardless if i am unbanned or not I stand strong with you guys and look forward to seeing better from you guys. You guys may not respect me the way I do you and that's fine. I have a bad mouth most of the time and I am working on it and I know it I am sorry to any underage people out there I have disturbed. Yes, actions are louder than words and I've been with this community for two years and it breaks my heart to see me get banned for a simple mistake, but it Xeron's decision. Sorry guys I've done all I could for you and I just want to have fun the way the rest of you guys do, I don't have an intention to do bad to this community. Kind Regards, Artic
I've done some thinking and I've decided to leave the community. Sorry guys but I've been forced to leave. If there's any people that want to talk to me about the situation I am on steam as Ar7ic.
One i would like to point out that you said that you can do all that crap with your ip and thats why you got on teamspeak.
I know what it's like to have the people shaming you for your actions. It led me to leave myself after I was also banned. I'm not trying to be sympathetic to you here, but I feel your pain. Don't somehow dislike the community or whoever banned you because of this, as they were just keeping their community positive. Just a word of advice, because I learnt this the hard way.
What do you mean you're leaving the community? You showed up and started harassing the junior players on teamspeak and were banned. You then evaded the bans many times stating you can easily change your IP, which is fine because it's easy to reban you.

1.) You were never a part of this community.
2.) We don't allow harassment or any kind of cyber bullying.
3.) Ban evasions are basically saying "Fuck You" to whomever banned you.
4.) Consistently nagging about a ban you truly deserved is quite childish.

You stating that there is no oxygen going to a juniors brain, and then calling him a queer after numerous infractions that I let you get away with led up to this ban.

There are numerous witnesses to what happened on TeamSpeak as well.

You fucked up, now deal with it..
No drama here, I'm just correcting what you had stated in your original post and telling the story how it happened. In all fairness, you come onto my website and start flaming, I'm granted the opportunity to defend and tell my side. Take it how you want, but you're not welcome here due to disrespect and bullying. If you evade and get in, good for you.. just remember you're in a place where you burned all bridges and have no friends at.
Okay Xeron you're entitled to share what you think happened and so am I but me and you both know the truth and I honestly don't want to come back no offense. I just found a better community and you can do what you want its yours man. To be fair that stuff that Option said is untrue. I got a new OS and without thinking thought I had been unbanned. I did state to him "I think its because my IP changed" but that other stuff is not true.
"What I think happened". I wouldn't have banned you unless I had valid evidence, sadly you don't know that the channel was being recorded by a user using Audacity. Funny thing is, it was the kid you were insulting.

You can leave now.

User Banned from Website
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