Hi There!

Hi, My name is Jackson, but most know me for my username, King Solar Shine. Most call me "King". I have been playing on the TBB server chains for quite a while now, and have aquainted myself with some staff. I love it so far, and I would like to welcome myself to the community! I love the WAC addons on server two and four, and a friendly competition is always fun. I've owned a server for two years, and ever since I've been met with router problems, I've made the transition over to TBB. I often create fun games for interested players to partake in, such as Reno Air Races. Looking forward to seeing you all!
Hi I'm Connor im a moderator on servers 3 and 5 welcome to the TBB comminuty if you ever need help or have a question feel free to message me here on the website or on steam! I hope you have enjoyed TBB so far!!
Hi I'm Purple Cow, and I hope you enjoy TBB. I am an admin on 3 and 5! Add me on steam if you have questions or need help. I also make skins for cars in gmod!
Welcome to TBB if you have any questions or anything add me on steam at @|TBB| Option and im a admin on 3&5 and moderator on sever 2&4
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