In regards to the Vehicles SVN's


I know the LW and TDM cars SVN isn't updated, And here is the reason why. The or has been offline for the past 4 days. I cannot update the SVN's when those sites are down because that's what the SVN's are obviously hosted off of. If you tried updating your SVN lately, It will give you an error, That's because the site is offline.

Until LW or TDM switch to yet, ANOTHER svn hosting link - I cannot update the vehicles for the servers. I could however just use the workshop version of the cars but we can only use up so much space for the server, Once the space is full - NFO will automatically delete something from the servers' files in order to conserve space, And it could be any file deleted... Including server data/Player data (Your hours on the server).

So i just wanted you all to know about this because i've been getting a lot of people telling me to Update the servers' SVN's. We'll have to wait until LW and TDM fix it.
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