Lack of mods on recently

There has been a lack of mods recently and I was wondering if you could check this out, also tdm cars addon Im having troubles finding please provide link to all tdm dl's.
Hello ret1003 and welcome to the forums. To answer your question in regards to the TDM cars, you have a few option or ways to download the car packs.

Option 1: You can download the Zip file of the TDM cars right on this website , unzip it on your computer and place the folder in your addons "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\YOURSTEAMNAME\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons" *note by doing it this way you will need to re-download and place the folder in your addons if you want to update the TDM cars in the future.

Option 2: You can download ALL of the TDM cars from the steam workshop, . *note your required to have the TDM Cars - Base Pack or the cars wont work* , be sure to log into the steam community website in the top right corner or the addons wont download to your account. Once you "subscribe" to these addons you will need to restart your Garry's Mod and let the new addons download before you join any server.

Option 3: You can use a SVN program such as TortoiseSVN to download the addons Automatically into your addons folder. This is a more advanced way of installing addons but by doing it this way you have a few advantages over option 1 and 2, the first one being that you will always have the latest version of that add-on simply by right clicking and selecting "Update SVN". Another good reason you should use SVN is most of the big addons for Garry's Mod have a SVN link available including many addons that aren't on the workshop ex. wiremod, ACF. Here is the SVN link for TDM CAR PACK " "

I hope that answers your question, If you have any more question or just aren't sure about something feel free to drop us message on the forums here anytime. !lol

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