Website Enhancements 8/16/14


* Added auto-embed for any YouTube, Facebook Video links. Put the link in and it'll convert automatically to a video!
* Added the 'Like' button which liked things can be tracked using the button above 'Like Stats'.
* Added 'Notepad' button to navigation bar, each member has their own secret notepad for saving information.
* Separated the 'Sticky Topics' from the 'Normal Topics' to easily identify important threads.
* Moved all recent posts to the top of the list instead of randomly spread out.
* Removed index.php/ from our URL cleaning it up and making it look pretty.
* Added 'Quick Reply' to the Forum so you don't need to click 'Reply' and type your reply.
* Added a 'Save' feature so if you type something long and navigate away on accident the website will save it once you re-open the tab or go forward a page.
* Users who are banned will now have 'Banned User' under their avatar in any posts they have written.
* Added ability to @mention users by typing @ and their name. A box will pop up and you can select the correct username after so many letters match. The member gets a notification that their name was said in the thread you mentioned them in.
* Editing the first posts title will also update every post below it, instead of having mixed title names.
* Added Join Date to your information box in any forum post near your avatar.

* Revised the colors and theme to make it more "Gamer" friendly.

* Created 'Executive Admin' ranking on the website. These people are the highest authority under Owner and Co-Owner and will be respected accordingly. They have the authority to ban/remove you completely from our gaming servers and website. They also handle promotions/demotions and how things are operating, anyone with this membergroup has complete access to the servers, sourcebans and website.

* Added a feature in your Buddies List which can be found by clicking on your profile. It will show you who is "Following" you.. in other words these are the people who have you "Buddied" on our website. This is found under 'Buddies/Ignore List' by click on Profile in the navigation bar.

Also there have been a bunch of fixes and upgrades that aren't visible on the pages but totally improve our website experience.
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