Riley Hoover's Moderator Application

Age: 20

Steam Name: Riley2142

Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:61190334

Timezone / State: CST/Wisconsin, Sun Prairie

How Many Hours Do You Have on This Server? Combined hours of over 300(Rough estimate due to being banned before, and server wipes. Currently sit @ 190-ish on Rockford and 5-ish on Para-lake.)

What made you apply to become a Moderator/Admin? I have a bit more time now because of work being slow.

How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play?: Whenever i can get on, Around 5-ish weekdays, and 12-ish weekends.)

How long have you played on TBB Servers? Since 2013

What position are you applying for: Whatever positions are available.

Why are you applying to become an Mod/Admin: I want to help make the community great again. (Terrible reference.) I really love everybody(Most of them.) and want to help by becoming a staff member again.

Have you ever been a Moderator/Admin before?: Yes. I was dropped on the shortlist due to inactivity related to work and schooling for law.

Do you have experience with ULX Admin System?: Yes. Every server i am staff on uses it along with other mods.

Total Garry's Mod Hours: 1804 at the time of posting.

Do You Have A Working Mic?: Yes.

Do you use TeamSpeak 3?: Yes.

Tell Us About Yourself: I am currently in the National Guard and attending part-time at UW-M for Law Enforcement. I love playing games, which is obvious because im re-applying for staff. I started playing games back in 2002 when i got a 1995 HP Pavilion PC which allowed me to play games like Microsoft Flight 98, and Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. I have since taken apart this pc and have expanded m collection to many different vintage and current electronics. I graduated high school in 2015(Stay in school kids, don't end up like me and joining the service without graduating, lol.) and i now work in Construction as a heavy machine operator, and attend University of Wisconsin - Madison for Law Enforcement.

List of Staff you already know: Pretty much everybody, if you know me i probably know you.

Anything Additional?: Not much, if anything is needed, just request it when you comment!

EDIT 1: Changed my hours on Rockford to the correct time.
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You were Demoted from Moderator two months ago for being "In-Active". It was hard to believe you were actually busy, Because myself and others saw you on Steam - daily playing games ( I could be wrong ). I spoke to you about it because I was just about to Demote you and you said "Since I don't play TBB anymore might aswell demote me."


I know you might be able to Administrate effectively, But I'm afraid you'll go stop playing on TBB again and stop being active on Teamspeak as before... Personally, I feel you didn't argue of why you're being demoted or even cared about it was because you didn't really care of Administrating on the Servers. I know playing other games is fun but you still need to know you have a Job to do on the Servers.
+1 He is a very responsibly player, he handles situations well, and he's a very good people person! (Although, he sort of jumped to conclusions in his demotion a few months ago. But other wise he is a great player)
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